Customs services

Whether handling import or export procedures, we ensure your cargo is customs cleared and ready for the next step. Our customs services include:

1. Import Customs Clearing (Procedure 40):

This process applies to all cargo destined for Slovenia, where the final consignee is a Slovenian resident. Importers who are VAT-registered in Slovenia benefit from streamlined customs procedures for their goods.

2. Fiscal Customs Clearing (Procedure 42):

Ideal for importers with companies registered in any EU country, Procedure 42 offers significant cost-saving advantages. By opting for this method, you can avoid additional expenses such as customs clearing stops and costs associated with issuing a T1 document. Another benefit is deferred tax payment – only customs duties are paid immediately, with taxes due later in the consignee’s country.

4. Export Customs Clearing:

For export-ready cargo, we handle customs clearance in three simple steps:

  1. Submit all required documents to us.

  2. We notify the customs authorities at Koper Port by submitting the customs declaration.

  3. Once approved, your cargo is cleared and ready to ship.

3. Issuing T1 Documents

We can issue T1 documents for cargo arriving through the ports of Koper, Trieste, or Rijeka. Costs are determined based on the cargo’s value.

5. Special Procedures (Temporary Import/Export – ATA Carnet):

Temporary import/export via the ATA Carnet applies to goods for specific purposes, such as items for exhibitions, professional equipment, or research tools. The ATA Carnet simplifies border crossings for such goods without subjecting them to customs duties or additional charges. However, it does not apply to perishable goods or those intended for consumption or repair. The validity of the ATA Carnet is limited to one year. Our expert customs services ensure your cargo moves efficiently and in full compliance with all regulations, minimizing delays and optimizing your logistics flow.